My purchase is missing & isn't in my dashboard
If you've made a purchase at one of our supported retailers and it hasn't appeared in your dashboard yet, you can raise a Missing Purchase claim (if you made your purchase over 72 hours ago). You can raise a claim for your purchase by tapping the 'raise claim' button your dashboard. Raise a missing purchase claim If you're having consistent issues with your purchaPopularWhat happens to my transaction once it's in my dashboard?
When WeShop is informed by the retailer about a purchase it must then go through a pretty simple process to ensure it's genuine & valid. This isn't a reflection on you as a customer, it's standard protocol to allow for returned & cancelled purchases. Available in XX months The transaction has now been validated by the retailer, the simple checks they'll perform include, making sure you don't return or cancel the order, etc. These basic checks can take anywhere from a few days to a few months,PopularUsing the First Purchase Bonus
WeShop runs a variety of First Purchase Bonuses for new customers to enjoy when they first join WeShop. We've covered off a few of the common questions below. First Purchase Bonus Rules What is the First Purchase Bonus? WeShop wants to help our members understand what WeShop is quickly, so the easiest way to do that is to give you a boosted Shareback rate on the first purchase you make using WeShop. The rewards can change frequently, so checkPopularWhat stops me earning Shareback?
WeShop works with retailers to make sure your transactions appear in your dashboard, however, there are some instances where your transactions might not appear or your shares are removed. We've explained more about what might stop you earning Shareback below. Read more about how Shareback technology works If you've made your purchase already & it hasn't appeared in your dashboard after 72 hours, you can raise a claim to recover your misSome readersRaising a claim for my purchases
If you've made a purchase at one of our supported retailers and something hasn't gone quite right, you can raise a claim & we'll investigate it for you. If you're consistently seeing transactions not tracking properly, then we'd recommend reading our article on what might stop you earning Shareback How to raise a claim If you've made a purchase over 72 hours ago and it's not appeared in your dashboard, you can raise a claim using our siSome readersWhat happens if I return, cancel my order, or request a refund?
If you have purchased an item at one of our supported retailers and are unhappy with it, you can return it to the retailer in-store or by postage (according to the retailer returns policy). Your shares will be removed or adjusted depending on the value of your return (for example, if you buy 3 items and return 1 of them, then we'll automatically adjust the value of your transaction). If I return or cancel my purchase, will the shares be removed from my dashboard? Your shares will be adjustedFew readersMy purchase didn't earn the correct amount of shares
If you've made a purchase using WeShop and it's appeared in your dashboard, but, the amount of shares you've been awarded doesn't look right, we'd recommend raising a 'Wrong Amount' claim. You can raise a claim for your purchase by tapping the 'raise claim' button your dashboard. Raise a missing purchase claim Before submitting your claim, it's important you makeFew readersUsing Klarna, ClearPay & Buy Now, Pay Later
WeShop cannot guarantee your transaction will be validated if you use Klarna, ClearPay & any Buy Now Pay Later services (including 'Pay in 3' or credit agreements). WeShop only act on the information provided by the retailer. If your purchase has been declined, your shares will be removed from your dashboard. Which services are likely to affect the Shareback technology? Your transaction may be declined by the retailer if you use any unsupported payment options (including, but not limited to):Few readersWhat happens if I use a discount code?
You cannot use unsupported discount codes & earn Shareback on your purchases. If you've used a discount code, your transaction will either not appear in your dashboard or it will decline when the retailer reviews your purchase. What type of discounts will affect my transaction? This varies by retailer, but your transaction may be affected if you use any discount code that hasn't been advertised by WeShop and may include: Blue Light Discounts Staff Discounts Student Discounts MilitaryFew readersUsing WeShop on holiday or as a non-UK resident
Purchases on WeShop must be made via the retailer's UK website. If you're based outside the UK, you may be automatically redirected to a country-specific website & the Shareback technology will not be able to recognise the transaction & you won't earn shares if you purchase. As a non-UK citizen, can I open a WeShop account and earn Shareback if I'm visiting the UK? You would still need to pass the minimum security requirements (i.e. home address must be based in the UK) in order to withdraw yFew readersWhy was my purchase declined?
If you've got evidence to suggest your transaction was genuine & didn't fall into one of the listed reasons above, you can raise a claim. You can raise a claim for your purchase by tapping the 'raise claim' button your dashboard. Raise a missing purchase claim Important things to know If you've made a purchase using WeShop and the transaction has been updatedFew readersWhat happens if I've earned shares for a purchase I didn't make?
Sometimes the retailers will report a transaction that didn't happen, it's very unusual, but we want to use this article to reassure you that transactions that have appeared on your account 'randomly' will not affect other transactions on your account and is perfectly safe, your bank account won't have been charged for these transactions. We call these 'ghost transactions' and they occasionally happen when a retailer believes you've made a transaction at a retailer, you may have never visited tFew readersUsing reward & loyalty points to pay for your purchase
If you use reward or loyalty points (such as Boots Advantage points) to pay for your transaction partially or fully, the likelihood is the retailer will decline your purchase for not using a supported debit/credit card. Which loyalty & reward schemes will likely affect my transaction? WeShop does not support purchases partially or fully paid using loyalty or reward points. This includes but is not limited to: Boots Advantage points Superdrug Health & Beauty Card Sainsbury's Nectar PointFew readersPaying in-store (click & reserve)
You must complete your purchase entirely online using a supported debit/credit card. If you reserve an item & pay in-store, you won't earn Shareback. This is because the Shareback technology won't know whether you've paid for the item in-store.Few readersWhat happens if I haven't received an item I ordered from a supported retailer?
WeShop don't have any control over any retailer purchase or delivery process, we don't handle payments on behalf of the retailer. We're informed by the retailer when a transaction has happened, but no further information is provided on status of delivery. If you've got an issue with the products you've purchased from one of the supported retailers, you'll need to follow the relevant complaints / queries process on the retailer's website.Few readersSubscriptions (monthly & annual)
WeShop do not currently actively support purchases for subscription services. If you earn shares from a subscription-based payment, this is entirely subject to retailer decision. We will not be able to assist with any transactions you've made where a subscription-based payment method was used.Few readersUsing a VPN
If you use a VPN when shopping with WeShop, your transaction may not track successfully, and your shares will not be issued. If you use a VPN to spoof your location in a different country, you may not even be able to shop at certain retailers on WeShop.Few readersHoliday & Travel Bookings
In this article, we'll cover a few different topics across holidays, flights, train & other travel bookings. Accommodation & holiday bookings What happens if I've booked my holiday over 12 months in advance? Your transaction will appear in your dashboard shortly after booking at the value you booked at. Once the transaction passes the 12-month lock-in period & you've been on the holiday, your shares will become available. What if I choose to pay at property for my hotel/accommodationFew readersReading the Important Things to Know
WeShop has hundreds of retailers across different industries, we work with each retailer individually to make sure we've covered any unique, odd & unusual things you'll need to know about before you make your purchase to ensure your Shareback will be approved by the retailer. We've broken down a few of the more common terms to look out for by industry below, but, always read the Important things to know on the retailer page to be sure. Product purchases When shopping for products on WeShopFew readersWhy has my dashboard changed value?
Your dashboard may occasionally change in value. We're working on ways to help improve the messaging around why your dashboard has changed, but here's a few reasons: One of the transactions in your dashboard has been declined by the retailer, due to a returned item, cancelled purchase or something else - Read more about declined transactions The share price has gone up - when the share price goes up, the value of your individual shares goFew readersPaying for your purchase using a gift card
Every retailer has a slightly different policy when it comes to payment options. We'd advise against using gift cards to pay for your purchase to reduce the chance of your transaction being declined later. Why can't I earn Shareback when redeeming a gift card? The primary reason is the cost of issuing a gift card & paying WeShop to issue the Shareback means the retailer is unlikely to support gift cards as an option for payment. It is also possible to buy a gift card using WeShop, where tFew readersUsing Click + Collect delivery options
If you've paid for a transaction online & simply want to collect it in-store, then you'll still earn Shareback on your transaction. What happens if I don't collect my order? This depends on the retailer policy, if you do not pick up your order and a refund is issued to your account, your transaction will be declined. Could I change my delivery option after I check out? This varies by retailer and their policy on changes to your order after processing, but, generally speaking your shares wiFew readersWhat happens if I exchange my purchase for another product in-store?
Each retailer has a slightly different policy when it comes to earning Shareback & in-store exchanges. If you made your purchase online & earned shares for the transaction, then when it arrives you're unhappy with the size & exchange in-store, then it's likely the transaction will be treated as a refund.Few readersWhat happens if I pay for my purchase using Apple Pay or Google Pay?
Your transaction will not be affected if you use Apple Pay or Google Pay to complete your purchase. You will earn shares on purchases made using these payment options.Few readers