Deleting your WeShop account
If you delete your WeShop account: You can't regain access once it's deleted. Your profile, transactions, posts and all other social content will be removed. Any shares you've not withdrawn will be lost (even if they're marked as available in your dashboard). Data relating to transactions made by your account may be retained with anonymised information. Your profile and/or content may still appear in search results and be controlled outside of WeShop. How to delete your accountFew readersReset or change your password
Reset your password If you've forgotten the password to your WeShop account and need to reset your password to access your account, you can do so by following the instructions below. Open your WeShop app & tap the sign-in button. Tap 'forgot your password?' under the password text field. Type in the email address associated with your WeShop account. If you've forgotten or don't have access to the email address associated, you'll need to contact support for assistance. Tap the 'requestFew readersChanging your email address
If you're signed into your WeShop account already and are just looking to change your password for security reasons, you can do so by following the instructions below. Open your WeShop profile by tapping the 'Profile' icon on the bottom-right of the WeShop app. Tap the 'Settings' icon on the top-right of the WeShop app, this will open your app settings. Tap 'Account Security' to open the 'Manage your credentials' page. Your existing email address will be shown in the 'change your email'Few readersSigning into your account
If you've already got a WeShop account, you can use your credentials to sign-in to your existing account. Simply tap 'Sign in' to get started. You'll be able to use your email address associated with your WeShop account or your WeShop username. You'll need to type your password to be able to access your account. If you've forgotten the password for your WeShop account, you can reset your password. If you've linked your Apple or Google ID toFew readersSign in with Apple or linking your Apple ID
You can create a new WeShop account using your Apple ID or if you've already got an account with WeShop, you can link your Apple ID to your WeShop account for a quick & smooth sign-in. You may only link an account to an Apple ID if you've got an Apple device (iPhone, iPad, etc.), if you've previously linked your WeShop account to an Apple ID and now have an Android device, please contact support for assistance. To link an existing WeShop account with an Apple ID: Open your WeShop profiFew readersChoose an appropriate username
Your username is publicly available and can only be set once. No two people can have the same username on WeShop. Character limits Usernames must be at least 2 characters in length, use lowercase letters a-z and numbers. We recommend keeping usernames reasonably concise for ease of use and recognition. Inappropriate terms You cannot choose a username with profanity or hidden profanity (e.g. sh1t), brand/retailer names or celebrities. Our validation checks will prevent registering inapproprFew readersChanging your WeShop username
You cannot currently change your WeShop username once you've set it during the sign-up process.Few readersWhat data do you store?
WeShop has to store a minimum amount of information about you and your purchase in order to run the service. Your data is secure and protected, but you can read more about that in our Privacy Policy. This article looks at the specific data we have about you and how we use it. Your name This one is obvious, we use this to make WeShop feel more social, more personable between your fellow WeShoppers and to be able to address you properly when we send you sFew readersManage your Communication Preferences
You can unsubscribe from emails you receive from WeShop by tapping the unsubscribe link in the footer of your WeShop emails. How to update your email preferences If you're signed into your WeShop account already and are just looking to change your communication preferences, you can do so below: Open your WeShop profile by tapping the 'Profile' icon on the bottom-right of the WeShop app. Tap the 'Settings' icon on the top-right of the WeShop app, this will open your app settings. Tap 'CFew readersSign in with Google or linking your Google ID to your account
You can create a new WeShop account using your Google ID or if you've already got an account with WeShop, you can link your Google ID to your WeShop account for a quick & smooth sign-in. To link an existing WeShop account with a Google ID: Open your WeShop profile by tapping the 'Profile' icon on the bottom-right of the WeShop app. Tap the 'Settings' icon on the top-right of the WeShop app, this will open your app settings. Tap 'Connected accounts' to review which accounts you've alreadFew readersAccount Verification Tick
Only accounts that have successfully passed the WeShop Verification Test are eligible to receive the purple checkmark. Our team uses a set of eligibility criteria to ensure we maintain the integrity of the platform. Your account must meet the following criteria to receive or retain the purple checkmark. Your account must have passed the verification test (the required pass rate of this test is subject to change and is hidden from the public to integrity). Actively using WeShop (if you'veFew readersHelp with Compromised Accounts
If you believe your account has been compromised but you're still able to sign-in, this page will help you secure your account and prevent unwanted behaviour. Has my account been compromised? Have you: Noticed unexpected recommendations/comments/questions posted by your account. Observed account behaviours you didn't make (like following, unfollowing or blocking members). Received an email from us stating that your account may be compromised. Received an email from us that your acFew readersBecoming a WeShop 'Founder'
WeShop launched its Founder program back in 2023, giving our members the opportunity to access a more rewarding referral scheme. If you've got an audience of followers and want to help them make a genuine difference to their financial situation for the future, then we'd love to have you onboard as a Founder. The WeShop Founder program is still active and you can find out more on the WeShop website. Apply to be a FounderFew readersChanging who referred you to WeShop
If you were referred by a friend on WeShop (or have referred one of your friends) and have accidentally skipped the referral details section during registration, it is possible to request an amendment within certain time parameters. The account who registered must be the person who requests the change (e.g. if you're asking on behalf of another member, we cannot action this request). The account must be newly registered within the last 30 days, if your account is older than 30 days we're unFew readersWhich operating systems are supported by the WeShop app?
WeShop is available for free on your Android & iOS devices. The WeShop app supports the following operating systems: Android: 8.0 or greater iOS: 15.0 or greater If your operating system is supported, you'll receive regular updates to your WeShop app and you'll get access to great new features as they launch. For the best experience using WeShop, we recommend updating your device to the latest available operating system & latest version of the WeShop app. What happens when my operatiFew readers