What is Shareback?
Do your shopping through the mobile app & earn shares in WeShop, we call it Shareback. Shareback is a reward offered exclusively to members of the WeShop community, whereby members will receive shares in WeShop for shopping online, inviting their friends who make a purchase or influencing a purchase by posting recommendations. We've put together a handy video to help you understand. How can I earn Shareback? You can earn Shareback in three sPopularWhat can I do with my shares?
If you have 'Available' shares right now, you'll be able to request a withdrawal in the form of a share certificate. Subject to the company going public on a recognised stock market, you would be able to sell those shares using a regulated stockbroker. If you're looking to find out why the share buyback provision is no longer available, you can read the WeShop Community Vote WeShop doesPopularWhat are WeShop shares?
WeShop is aiming to be majority owned by the community that use it. This platform is a world first, we're proud to say we're pioneering the community ownership model. WeShop shares are ordinary shares, there are no special classes of shares so each share will have exactly the same voting rights. Therefore, through the standard corporate mechanisms, WeShop members will be able to have an input into how the company is run. Currently, your WeShop shares are visible in your dashboard. Subject to WPopularWhen can I sell my shares?
WeShop is currently working towards listing the company on a recognised stock exchange. Currently, your WeShop shares are visible in your dashboard. Subject to WeShop being listed on a recognised stock exchange, you would be able to sell those shares as you wish, subject to market conditions. For the latest updates, please see WeShop’s recent updates page: https://we.shop/wshp-update-timeline/ What is an 'Available' share? Shares are marked as available 12 months after your initial purchSome readersWhat are the tax implications of withdrawing my shares?
WeShop do not offer any tax or financial advice, please do your own research, consult an advisor or speak to HMRC for more information.Some readersWhat does it mean if my shares are 'available'?
If your shares are 'Available' it means they've been approved by WeShop & passed retailer review. Simply put, these shares are set in your account ready for when the company goes public & those shares will be available for sale on the public market.Some readersHow to earn Shareback
Shareback is a reward offered exclusively to members of the WeShop community, whereby members receive shares in WeShop for shopping online, inviting their friends who make a purchase or influencing a purchase by posting recommendations. Making a purchase There are few different ways to shop using the WeShop app, here we'll show you the variety of ways you can find what you're looking for. Searching for a retailer You can use the search bar at the top of every page, simply type in the namFew readersHow does Shareback technology work?
Shareback technology is backed by a globally recognised marketing technology known as affiliate marketing. The affiliate marketing systems have been used by companies who want to connect their brand with customers for over 20 years. When you click on any links in the WeShop app that take you to a retailer website, the link includes unique, anonymised information about your account that enables the retailer to tell us when you've made a purchase. It's important to remember that WeShop doesn'tFew readersCashback vs Shareback
WeShop often gets mistaken for a 'cashback' service. This is not the case. WeShop admires the incredible feats that the cashback sites have been able to achieve when trying to change the world of retail. However, WeShop is not a cashback service, it never has been and never will be. WeShop does not hold your cash, WeShop does not hold funds on behalf of clients and we don't handle any of your financial details when you're shopping. WeShop offers you shares (equity) in the WeShop company. YFew readersHow can WeShop afford to offer 100% Shareback?
In the past, WeShop has run '100% Shareback' campaigns, whereby, we award 100% of the value of what you spend at the retailer, back in shares. This isn't something that we're going to continue doing long-term, as it isn't sustainable. WeShop has run these campaigns in the past to help attract members to the platform & reward early adopters. It’s very similar to where you might see a company giving away ‘freebies’ or heavy discounts when subscribing to their newsletter. WeShop does not provideFew readersWhy do I have to wait for my shares to become 'available'?
When you make a purchase using WeShop, your transaction will go through a few different stages as it's being reviewed (to make sure it's genuine & you've not returned it). For the latest updates, please see WeShop’s recent updates page: https://we.shop/wshp-update-timeline/ Your transaction has been spotted This is immediately after the retailer has told us about your new purchase. Your transaction is available in X months During this period, the retailer will continue to watch the transaFew readersWhat does it mean if my shares are 'in retailer review'?
When you purchase an item or book a holiday at one of the supported retailers on WeShop, they'll tell us that you've made a transaction normally within 72 hours. The transaction then goes into a 'pending' state, we'd normally show this in your dashboard as 'Available in X months'. During this 'pending' state, the retailer is waiting for the returns period to pass or in the case of a holiday booking, you'll need to take the holiday in order to make sure the transaction can be marked as a genuineFew readersShare Price
The WeShop share price is subject to change throughout any period. You should always check the WeShop dashboard to see what the current share price is. For example, if you have 10 shares at £1 each, you have £10 worth of shares. If the share price goes up to £2, you still only have 10 shares, but you have £20 worth of shares. What does a share price increase mean? The higher the share price, the more value your individual shares will be worth. Which explains why your dashboard value goes upFew readersWhere are my shares stored?
WeShop will store your shares securely until such time that you request a share certificate or transfer them to a regulated stockbroker. The system is audited frequently & ensures a level of security to make sure we have full visibility of why/how/when the share was issued to any user in our system. WeShop does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent advice. The value of investments can go down as well as up.Few readersWhat is an IPO (Initial Public Offering)?
IPO is an acronym for Initial Public Offering. An IPO is when a company decides to go public and make its shares available on the stock market for the first time. This creates a mechanism by which shares can be traded. In order for WeShop to be able to offer the ability to 'sell WeShop shares', the WeShop company needs to be on a public, recognised stock exchange.Few readersWhat's a stockbroker?
A stockbroker is a financial professional who executes orders (buying/selling) in the market on behalf of clients. We've seen some amazing apps & services being launched recently, which help make investing easy for everyone. Some of these popular services you might've heard of include Freetrade, Trading212, eToro & many others.Few readersWhat is a stock market?
A stock market is a centralised, regulated marketplace where securities (such as stocks & bonds) are bought and sold by investors. Popular stock exchanges you might've heard of: Nasdaq, New York Stock Exchange & London Stock Exchange, where you can buy/sell shares for companies like Google (Alphabet), Facebook (Meta), Apple & many more.Few readersWhat are pre-IPO shares?
What's an IPO? Understanding the basics of pre-IPO shares with our handy video we've created to help you understand.Few readers