Articles on: WeShop Guides

How to: Create a Wishlist

You can create multiple wishlists on WeShop for different events, ideas & inspiration. Your wishlists can be set to public or private visibility at your preference & you can have up to 500 items saved in each wishlist.

Creating a new wishlist

To create a new blank wishlist, simply open your app & tap the (+) create button, then tap 'Create a new wishlist'.
You'll then be able to come up with a new name for your wishlist, pick something fun or creative & why not try using emojis too!
You can then choose if your wishlist is public or private using the toggle on-screen.
Tap the Create wishlist button to see your new blank wishlist.

Setting wishlist visibility

By default, all wishlists are set to public visibility unless you toggle the 'Make this wishlist private' option. Once you've set your wishlist to private, only you will be able to see it.
To check if your wishlist is private, visit your profile & tap the Wishlists tab. You'll see any private wishlists have an eye icon next to the name of your wishlist.

Adding products to your new wishlist

If your wishlist is empty, you'll see a button to start adding products to your wishlist. Simply tap the 'Add a new product' button to open the search & type the name of the product you'd like to add.
To add a product to your wishlist, simply tap the checkbox on the right-hand side of the results & it'll be added immediately to your wishlist. You can search again for a different product and the results you've already added to your wishlist will stay on your wishlist.
If you've added something by accident on this screen, simply un-check the product and it'll be removed from your wishlist.
Once you're done adding products to your wishlist, tap the Done in the top-right of the screen & your wishlist will automatically update with all your new products.

Adding products to an existing wishlist

Let’s say you're browsing the home feed, found a product when searching or perhaps you've seen something on someone else's wishlist that you'd like to add to your wishlist, you can add it directly to your wishlist.
Simply tap the product to open the product page and you'll see the 'Add to wishlist' button. You can choose an existing wishlist or create a blank one using the on-screen instructions. You can add the product to multiple wishlists.

Removing products from your wishlist

You can swipe left to quickly delete a product from your wishlist, you'll see the red delete action appear & simply tap the bin icon to delete the product.

Editing or deleting a wishlist

If you want to edit or delete a wishlist, simply tap the three dot menu icon in the top-right of the screen to see the options.
Editing a wishlist
You can rename your wishlist or change the visibility of your wishlist here.
Deleting a wishlist
Simply tap the 'Delete this wishlist' button to delete the wishlist & all products inside the wishlist.

Sharing your wishlist

You can share your wishlist with your friends by tapping the 'Share this wishlist' button in the bottom-right of the screen. Remember! Only public wishlists can be shared with friends, if you've set your wishlist to private, the link won't work for the person you're sharing with.

Liking & commenting on wishlists

WeShop is first and foremost, a social platform, so we want to make it easy for people to show their appreciation or add a comment with a new product suggestion using the like & comment functions.
Only public wishlists can be liked & commented on by others.

Ideas for your wishlists

We've come up with a few different ideas to help inspire your wishlists. It's a good idea to make sure the wishlists you want to keep private are set to Private visibility.
Birthday ideas (for yourself, perhaps you want to drop a few hints for what you'd be after!)
Category specific (as an example, you might want a 'Shoes' wishlist or a 'Perfumes' wishlist!)
Home improvement ideas (if you're renovating your home, we've got a wide range of DIY & home retailers that'd keep you busy on a weekend!)
Wedding gifts (if you're planning a wedding and want to suggest a few wedding gifts that you and your partner would like)
Everyday items (things you buy repetitively like toilet rolls or moisturiser).

Updated on: 26/02/2024