Articles on: Shares & Shareback

When can I sell my shares?

WeShop is currently working towards listing the company on a recognised stock exchange.

Currently, your WeShop shares are visible in your dashboard. Subject to WeShop being listed on a recognised stock exchange, you would be able to sell those shares as you wish, subject to market conditions. For the latest updates, please see WeShop’s recent updates page:

What is an 'Available' share?

Shares are marked as available 12 months after your initial purchase & once the retailer has marked your purchase as validated (i.e. you've not returned it or cancelled your order). Only once your shares are marked as available will you be able to sell them on the stock market.

WeShop does not provide investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent advice. The value of investments can go down as well as up.

Updated on: 02/12/2024