Articles on: Legal & Important Info

Community Guidelines

Our Principles

WeShop is a platform for free expression. These guidelines are designed to help our members understand what is not allowed on WeShop. We want our members to feel like they can be creative, helpful & insightful with their posts. If you come across a post, comment or interaction that looks like it breaks these guidelines, you can report it to us using the WeShop mobile app.

Every day, people use WeShop to recommend their purchases, ask for help with new products, follow & interact with popular creators & help make the most of social shopping.

These guidelines are based on feedback from our community & advice of experts in technology, public safety, human rights & more. To ensure everyone has the opportunity to enjoy WeShop, we want to make sure the quality of content that people are posting is fair, relevant and builds a better community for everyone.

Reviewing Content

The WeShop Content & Community team works hard to remove divisive, disturbing & unsafe content from WeShop. We may delete some types of content, and other items of content might just be hidden from the general public to offer everyone the best possible experience.

WeShop reserves the right to remove your content at our discretion if we believe it breaks any of our guidelines. Your post can be reported by any one of the members on WeShop, and our content team will investigate it.

If you wish to appeal a decision made by the Content & Community Team, you can contact our customer support team who will be happy to take your case forward.

Community Guidelines

The WeShop Community Guidelines apply to everyone, including employees, creators, founders & brands. We are aware that AI-generated content is also increasing in popularity, so the guidelines will also apply to any AI-generated content and the origin account that posted will be notified & deactivated if the Community Guidelines continue to be broken.
Our guidelines are in place to protect our members, staff & board of directors. The guidelines are in effect across all our mediums; including the WeShop mobile app, WhatsApp groups, Instagram posts & comments, and other forms of media under the remit of WeShop staff.

Violence and criminal behaviour
Objectionable content
Integrity and authenticity

Updated on: 26/02/2024